There’s no point of hurting them back. Let the power of the universe and Karma do it’s magic!
The cycle must stop. We can not hide behind pain and play a victim. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. ~ Robin Owsley
People do make mistakes and hurt because they are hurting for some reason or another and they lash out or hurt you and regret it and apologize later. It doesn’t make them bad people, it just makes them human. The ones who do it intentionally, just keep them out of your life but don’t turn into them and be like them. Just be better than them. Keep your dignity knowing you didn’t stoop to their level. ~ Brigitte Nicole
If someone does a good deed and you return the good deed, it means a positive energy exchange has been made by two people. If however, you return a hurt you have two exchanges of negative energy and it makes you as bad as the other, if you choose not to return the negative your positive intention energetically cancels out the negative. ~ Donna Bilan
Don’t believe in revenge, it is a total waste of your positive energy.