We all may do 1000 great things for everyone, Yet we all remember the one mistake people make that hurts us. ~ Michael OBrien
They wonder why you don’t want to associate with them any longer. It isn’t about forgiving someone, it’s about getting over the hurt. Wounds need time to heal and having someone in your life who continues to inflict wounds isn’t wise. It isn’t being kind to yourself. ~ Delany Campbell
When you want to live happy you need to be gentle.
If only some people could be sensitive enough with other people’s feeling.
When you truly care someone. You don’t look for faults and for answer. Accept the mistakes and faults and you over look excuses. ~ Lucrecia Cuartero
It’s so easy to hurt someone. Be brave to admit the pain you have brought to the other person. Worse of it is don’t feel you are in the wrong and continue to add salt to the wound you had done. That’s a worse human being! ~ Alice Hue