Author: Tejas Patel
Founder of Wisdom Quotes & Stories and Wisdom Healing Center. I am Practicing Healer, Life Counselor, Meditation Trainer, Mind Control Expert, Psychotherapist & Inspirational Blogger.
Why would you want to remember someone who left you? Obviously they have hurt you. I say, remember the lesson, because every experience that brought on pain, has a lesson in it. With time learn to let go and forgive so that you do not hold …
November 8, 2024
Choice, Heart, Peace
Peace of mind is the greatest feeling in the world. There is nothing more satisfying than a soft pillow, a clear conscience and the feeling of personal contentment. Sometimes in life we need to make the hard decisions in order to achieve it. ~ John Christian If …
November 4, 2024
Words of Wisdom
Reality often precedes mental perception. They’re dealing with their own insecurities. The only time you should look down on someone is when you are trying to help them up. ~ Joanne Torchia Putting others down, says more about them then it says about you. Stand above it …