Author: Tejas Patel
Founder of Wisdom Quotes & Stories and Wisdom Healing Center. I am Practicing Healer, Life Counselor, Meditation Trainer, Mind Control Expert, Psychotherapist & Inspirational Blogger.
Everybody is good at something. It could be making people smile, being good with children or the elderly, or working hard at being a good mom/parent. Good things always happen when you put an effort with your studies as you gain knowledge. Good things happen when …
Those are what you call true friends, they’re far and few between! The true people stay in your life and not walk away because they are the ones that knew you right from the start, but those who leave were never true. We all make mistakes …
Face the fear, be brave enough to go for your dreams. You are worth it! Don’t be stuck in a situation that makes you feel bad. Life is like a book filled with stories to tell lessons learn and wondrous tales to remember.As you write another …