Author: Tejas Patel
Founder of Wisdom Quotes & Stories and Wisdom Healing Center. I am Practicing Healer, Life Counselor, Meditation Trainer, Mind Control Expert, Psychotherapist & Inspirational Blogger.
Always live up to your own standards. If you can’t respect yourself, it is likely that nobody else will either. When you do this the quality of your life is so much better. Take it from me, I found out the hard way, but now my …
February 18, 2025
Care, Feelings, Heart, Love
Sometimes no one else just only you, but at least you can stand alone, that’s the most important be brave because it will be happen. ~ Eds Elago Those I want to be with me during difficult time never want to be with me, but those who …
February 16, 2025
Good, Let go, Life
Train your mind to see the good in every experience. I’ve realized being rejected is not always bad even though it might hurt, but we can learn from it. We are not going to be rejected from what it is for us. ~ Alma Maldonado