It’s better to remove the people who do not value you which in turn makes room for better people. ~ Ahsan Syed Sometimes, you don’t have a choice. If they’re dragging you down you have to love you enough and respect yourself enough to let them go. …
After 20 yrs of being single (my choice), I let him in, 15 yrs later another divorce and a heart that cannot take it anymore. ~ Carole Rotondo We may be wounded, but we are not made of that which breaks. If we never risk, we fail …
If they want to go, let them. Only the ones who truly care for you will stay, they can’t live without you on their lives, that says it all. Don’t waste your time with who doesn’t want to spend it with you. Always make room for …
June 4, 2024
Heart, Hurt, Let go, Soul
When you have a good heart: You help too much. You trust too much. You give too much. You love too much & it always seems you hurt the most. Trying to hold on to someone who doesn’t love you, no matter how much you love …
Everyone asks you to be stronger and nobody know how much your pain is, how you suffer or how much you have been hurt deeply. ~ Marmoura Morris I was dumped by someone who only loved himself. Did it hurt? Yes, very much so, however, time for …