We are never truly complete unless we understand the practice of loving another. It does complete us and make us whole. ~ Cindy Walker A soul mate does not supplement, but complements, our lives. Yet some people are so blinded by ‘love’ that every person they are …
March 10, 2024
Let go, Life
Some people are there for a season, some for life, but all for a reason. Let it go and trust in God things will be fine. No matter in what way. You will be fine. Don’t ever close your heart because of someone else. There are …
January 16, 2024
Good, Let go, Life
Train your mind to see the good in every experience. I’ve realized being rejected is not always bad even though it might hurt, but we can learn from it. We are not going to be rejected from what it is for us. ~ Alma Maldonado
Life is like a book. Some chapters sad and some happy, but you will never know what the next chapter will bring of you don’t turn the page. Life is like a book filled with stories to tell, lessons to leans and wondrous tales to remember.As …