Watching someone stay in an abusive situation all the while denying it, then walking away myself as the abuser felt they were entitled to be abusive to me as well, ignoring the request to stay out of friendship. I like myself better than that, wish the …
March 10, 2024
Let go, Life
Some people are there for a season, some for life, but all for a reason. Let it go and trust in God things will be fine. No matter in what way. You will be fine. Don’t ever close your heart because of someone else. There are …
February 26, 2024
Life, Mind, Relationship
It’s amazing when it happens with a loved person. (and GOOD memories) It’s horrible and self destroying when a person that hurt you crosses your mind everyday, even after years. ~ Laus Lauriña Telepathy! Always keep your mind open that someone is probably thinking about you at …
It really hurts knowing that we cannot change people or their actions. No matter how much we have love them, they are what they are, but we got to learn to get something good out of every situation and remember that our happiness should not depend …