When you aren’t good enough or worth the effort, time to move along because they aren’t worth your time or effort anymore. Let them smile on the outside and live in misery on the inside because they’ll never be happy with what they have. ~ Paul Smith …
It’s the tough times in our lives when we truly do find out who our friends really are. When you’re down and need someone to simply sit with you or hold your hand, those who love you will do that. It won’t pull them down, it may …
Never push a loyal person to the point where they no longer care. It is always the right thing to be kind and generous, and not expecting or desiring anything in return. However, when you are continually being treated by some in a disrespectful and unkind …
When you find the right person , you find it easier to be a better person. The connection between the two brings out the best in you. ~ Hayley Taylor You need to love yourself, be who you are and celebrate your own divinity. If …