Be yourself and you won’t need to explain anything. So many haters out there but the real and true folks see who you are and love you anyway. ~ Helene Colefield If a person truly loves you & really cares for you, then there’s no need for you …
Friends shouldn’t put you down, make rude untrue comments, hurt you when you didn’t do anything wrong. I’m surrounded by people who make me laugh. Life isn’t perfect but it feels good. ~ Jane Ricchiuto For the the meantime being alone is better, than be with people …
October 10, 2024
Faith, Hope, Time
Everything happens when it is supposed to. If it’s not meant to be, you will loose it no matter how much you fight for it. Just do your best to everyone and everything day after day. Remember to have faith! Just because you can’t see the …
How many people today are so busy chasing money that they forget what’s really important in life. ~ Carol Dudeck Your the luckiest person in the world but you don’t realize it your alive not a thing otherwise matters. You can go on to better things, don’t …
August 28, 2024
Friendship, Time, Trust
They mostly also reveal the fake ones. You find out who they are when you really need a friend. People run real quick at the sign of any kind of problem, no one wants to hear it. The ones that grab you and don’t let go, …