September 16, 2024
Life, People, Yourself
It is a difficult decision to leave long term friendships but sometimes one has to admit that people change, even us and realize and accept that it is time to move on. ~ Marizel Davila It’s the quality, not the quantity. I have few friends, but they …
Perhaps more than one lifetime. How we treat others is what creates memories. Beauty may be skin deep but ugly is clean down to the bone. Outer beauty is not important, a good heart it is. True beauty just gets better with age. each wrinkle and …
July 8, 2024
Let go, Yourself
Always ask yourself, is it really love or is it actually a need to have someone complete you. We are all already complete and love is enjoying sharing our completeness and individual freedom as equals. ~ Sigh Willy It is your life and mental status that is …
It’s better to remove the people who do not value you which in turn makes room for better people. ~ Ahsan Syed Sometimes, you don’t have a choice. If they’re dragging you down you have to love you enough and respect yourself enough to let them go. …
Setting boundaries is difficult. When you do with those people who haven’t had limits or boundaries, then they make your life miserable. ~ Dorene Kennard Sometimes you have to make choices that do not agree with all yet this is my life. Be Happy! ~ Mary Riddell I …