July 8, 2024
Let go, Yourself
Always ask yourself, is it really love or is it actually a need to have someone complete you. We are all already complete and love is enjoying sharing our completeness and individual freedom as equals. ~ Sigh Willy It is your life and mental status that is …
It’s better to remove the people who do not value you which in turn makes room for better people. ~ Ahsan Syed Sometimes, you don’t have a choice. If they’re dragging you down you have to love you enough and respect yourself enough to let them go. …
Setting boundaries is difficult. When you do with those people who haven’t had limits or boundaries, then they make your life miserable. ~ Dorene Kennard Sometimes you have to make choices that do not agree with all yet this is my life. Be Happy! ~ Mary Riddell I …
The actual betrayal is the worst feeling ever then comes the reality of it being someone you cared about or loved even more so from a close family member. Not that good hearts look at life through rosy shades/glasses, but we believe in the good more …