My Mum used to save things, like clothes for best. Sadly she passed away from cancer at a young age never wearing some of her clothes or shoes. It was sad sorting this out when she passed. Mum worked extremely hard to get them, and I would have loved to see her in them them. I believe in heaven so I know she wearing them there now. Sometimes we have to live for today as we do not know what tomorrow brings us. ~ Helen Neary
She had a beautiful set of china that she hardly ever used. Said it was “too nice” for everyday. Only brought it out on holidays. She passed away and I have that china set now and I use it every single day. Don’t save the “good china, for special guest or occasions only ” you are the special one.~ Carol Ann
Every day is a thanksgiving day.
I used to save expensive perfume for “best”, now use it all the time if i have it. ~ Mandy Baker
Live everyday as if it were your last. We never know when our number is up.