August 2, 2024
Choice, Strength
It takes a special kind of person to choose to shower light on the darkness in our world, instead of moaning & groaning about the “storms” they themselves are going though. I can think of several in my life who are doing that at this very …
July 30, 2024
Choice, Kindness
Spread kindness and practice it always. Kindness is the easiest ,most less expensive and heart warmest attitude you could give to other and to yourself. If you are aware of the person you are kind to you cannot be taken advantage of, nor will you be …
Perhaps more than one lifetime. How we treat others is what creates memories. Beauty may be skin deep but ugly is clean down to the bone. Outer beauty is not important, a good heart it is. True beauty just gets better with age. each wrinkle and …
We learn who our true friends are at times when we face problems. Only the true friends will remain with us to share our burden while others will distance themselves. It’s the ones who stick by you through your most difficult days, when you need them …