Even at the end of the darkest tunnel there’s got to be a light. I did start over at almost 50, a daunting proposition when I thought I would be completely settled in my life by now for the rest of my life, not uprooting and starting …
December 18, 2024
Choice, Gratitude, Life
It’s always the little things that make the difference. I am so lucky. I get to see the sunrise every morning as I walk on the beach. Totally perfect! ~ Jenny Waters Just live life, plain and simple. No worries, no sweating the little things, love completely …
Sometimes it’s too late when you’re done, you already got hurt a lot. ~ Truc Dong Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. It takes me a long time to be done with someone but when that happens it is for a …
You have to have limits. I call them healthy boundaries. ~ Bonnie Martinez People will either drain you or energize you. It’s our choice to keep them or lose them. It’s not being shrewd, rude or cruel. You need to look after yourself. Sometimes we forgive or …