Loneliness is better than bad company. It is hard if you do nothing to make yourself happy. Find the company in yourself, make yourself pretty, cheer yourself up, pamper yourself with workouts, looking yourself in the mirror after workout and compliment yourself. Do to yourself what …
November 8, 2024
Choice, Heart, Peace
Peace of mind is the greatest feeling in the world. There is nothing more satisfying than a soft pillow, a clear conscience and the feeling of personal contentment. Sometimes in life we need to make the hard decisions in order to achieve it. ~ John Christian If …
Forgive the ones you love and hopefully they will forgive you. Love with all your heart, forgive easily and often, and always. Have an attitude of gratitude! Treat people with respect. You don’t know if they will be here tomorrow and you may regret it. Life …
August 10, 2024
Choice, Let go, Life
If you love someone, set them free and if it is good they will come return to you. Works every time. A great tragedy of life. What to do about it? How to go about it? Answer: ask The Almighty. Only He has the Right Answer. Each …