Everybody is good at something. It could be making people smile, being good with children or the elderly, or working hard at being a good mom/parent. Good things always happen when you put an effort with your studies as you gain knowledge. Good things happen when …
The actual betrayal is the worst feeling ever then comes the reality of it being someone you cared about or loved even more so from a close family member. Not that good hearts look at life through rosy shades/glasses, but we believe in the good more …
April 12, 2024
Good, Kindness, Life
It wasn’t you that wasn’t good enough. If someone can’t accept you as you are, faults & all, then it is they, whom are not good enough for you. Keep smiling! You will meet someone who will be good enough for you and vice versa. You can’t …
It really hurts knowing that we cannot change people or their actions. No matter how much we have love them, they are what they are, but we got to learn to get something good out of every situation and remember that our happiness should not depend …