December 20, 2024
Love, Peace, Yourself
The beach is the best place to go away from everything and everyone. Sometimes your “happy place” is just a state of mind. A rainy day, a cup of coffee in hand & a view of the hills from the balcony. ~ Debapriyo Saha
Why would you want to remember someone who left you? Obviously they have hurt you. I say, remember the lesson, because every experience that brought on pain, has a lesson in it. With time learn to let go and forgive so that you do not hold …
November 2, 2024
Care, Friendship, Love
A friend will not lie to you, betray your confidences, use you or call you names. I’m glad I removed the toxic person from my life. I’ve got so many other decent, kind, caring & loving friends. ~ Ruth Nischt A True Friend is one that you can …