True love and loyal friend are hard to find, but it only takes your loyalty to keep, so if anyone thinks it’s hard to keep, then they got some problems.
When it come to having a true love in your life or loyal friends, let God pick them for you and bring them in to your life. ~ Mark Cook
True friends are when you don’t have nothing to offer to them and they are still there for you, then and only when you will know you have a true friend. ~ Ken Dierfield
In this dog-eat-dog world we live in it is almost impossible to find loyal friends. Everyone has their own selfish agenda to survive. Once you find both true love and loyalty never question it. Never take it for granted. Always treat others as you yourself wish to be treated. If you are lucky enough to find even one such friend, treasure them. They are a gift from the universe. ~ Veronica Coughlin
As you get older you will see that friends change too like not riding the bike anymore and not roller skating. It does not mean that you did something to the friend. It is just that now you are going off with the kids to basketball and she is off to soccer. You find your friends do change through the years but finding special faithful ones is a real rare blessing. ~ Diane Waters